Sunday, July 11, 2010


Cole Matthews life was one big mess. He was abused and ignored by his mother and father. When things in his life seemed like it couldn't get any worse Cole takes out his anger on a boy named Peter Driscal because he told the police about Cole's robbery. This puts Cole in a whole heap of trouble; either trial as an adult or join Circle of Justice to avoid jail. Easy choice right? Wrong! Circle of Justice causes Cole to be sent to a deserted island alone for a year with a Spirit Bear that practically kills him. Could things get any worse? Don't talk out loud you might jinx it!

"Each time he got in trouble, he was waned to shape up because this was his last chance. Even the day he left for the island, several of those who gathered to see him off, including his parents, had warned him, "Don't screw up. This is you last chance." Cole braced himself for the next big wave. Whatever happened, he could count on having one more last chance."
Touching Spirit Bear, By: Ben Mikaelsen

1: It seemed that Cole had no intention of being successful, he always depended on getting another chance when he screwed up. He relished in the thought of never actually getting in trouble because as soon as he was off the hook they gave him another chance. He felt that as long as he kept on getting last chances, he would be invincible. You can't be successful if you keep on depending on another chance every time you do something wrong.


"Edwin looked out across the bay and drew in a deep breath. "Years ago, I was brought here myself when my spirit got lost. This is a good place to fine yourself."
"This place sucks!" Cold mumbled.
Edwin pulled out a key and turned Cole roughly around to remove his handcuffs. "Anger keeps you lost," he said, as he started back toward the shelter. "You can find yourself here, but only if you search."

Touching Spirit Bear, By: Ben Mikaelsen

2: Cole's anger decided for him. His mind was so clouded with anger that he couldn't think straight. In this passage Edwin points this out to him. Cole didn't choose to be angry all the time but he did nothing to keep his anger in order either. If he ever wanted to be successful he would need a clear mind. You can't have a clear mind if its clouded with negativity 24/7.


"I danced the dance of anger," Cole announced during Edwin's next visit. Edwin glanced at him. "What did you learn?" "To forgive," Cole said. "Being angry is giving someone else control of my feelings so they own me. Forgiving gives me control again."

Touching Spirit Bear, By: Ben Mikaelsen

3: Forgiving is not forgetting, as mentioned previously in the book. Cole learns to forgive instead of blaming everyone-but himself-for his problems. Success isn't something you get overnight. You need to forgive and look passed that to be successful. You can't wallow in self pity, Cole learned that. His choice to forgive made him open a whole new path for himself. He was now on the path of success


"Cole smiled and nodded. "I'm a slow learner. But I'm working on it."

Touching Spirit Bear, By: Ben Mikaelsen

4: This line tells how much Cole has grown. Before Cole would never admit anything, not even being a slow learner. Now that he has done his job in being successful he is. Peter had forgiven him, he had learned to forgive and stop blaming others. It was his choice to help Peter, not because he felt guilty (although that was part of it), but because he wanted to be successful in life. He wanted to make something of himself and to say he was successful would be and understatement.

1 comment:

  1. This is really good! You have some great points of view!!!
